With cost of living pressures really starting to bite, we’ve rounded up some budget dinner ideas to help you save money on the weekly grocery shop.
With clever mince creations, pantry staple savers, fresh takes on family favourites and more, you’re sure to find something delicious for dinner this week. And while these are budget dinner ideas, we haven’t compromised on flavour. Whether you have a family of five to feed, or you’re a student on a tight budget, these recipes will help ensure you cook wisely and eat well.
Shopping tips for budget dinner ideas
Compare prices between supermarkets. Buy staples when they’re priced well, and buy fruit and vegetables that are in-season. Shop at greengrocers and supermarkets that reduce remaining produce prices at the end of the day.
Look for fantastic markdowns on items like bread, meat and dairy goods as they near their use-by dates. Divide meat into 250g portions and freeze it. Or, cook it all at once to make a mega-quantity of one recipe then freeze that in meal-sized servings. Don’t be afraid of cooking in bulk. Thawing a meal when you’re too tired to cook is almost as much of a treat as eating out.