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46 prawn salads for you to try this Christmas

We've collected our best prawn salad recipes for you to try this Christmas. Teamed with everything from mango to avocado, these will be a hit.
prawn and salad greens on a plate to form a prawn caesar salad

An Australian Christmas wouldn’t be complete without a lovely, light prawn dish and what better way to serve them up than in a tasty, fresh prawn salad? Here, we’ve rounded up our best prawn salad recipes for entertaining over summer. With everything from a delicious prawn and mango salad to a filling garlic prawn and noodle salad, plus some classic prawn cocktails, there is something for everyone. We even have some barbecued prawn salads perfect for outdoor entertaining. Enjoy!

Thai mango and prawn salad
Quick & Easy
May 30, 2012

Thai mango and prawn salad

Taste the dressing before serving to ensure it is a perfect balance of hot, sour, sweet and salty. If it is too hot, add extra lime juice and sugar. If desired, you could a little crushed peanut brittle or bean sprouts for extra crunch and sweetness. Note
By Women's Weekly Food

Five tips for cooking with prawns

  1. Buy fresh prawns as close as possible to the day you plan to eat them. Both cooked and uncooked fresh prawns can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days, according to the NSW Food Authority.
  2. You can also buy frozen prawns from most supermarkets and fishmongers.
  3. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling prawns. According to the Food Safety Information Council, this is especially important for pre-cooked prawns.
  4. Allow time to shell and devein prawns (unless you buy them already shelled and deveined). If you’re cooking prawns with the shells on, you can devein them by cutting through the shell.
  5. Store leftovers in a sealed container in the fridge within two hours of serving and consume within three days. Make sure you check how it looks and smells before eating leftovers and if you’re in doubt throw it out.

Watch how to make a prawn, coconut and mango salad

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