1.Combine the fruit, liqueur (or essences and water), rind and juice in a large bowl. Cover and stand at room temperature overnight.
2.Beat the butter and sugar in a small bowl with an electric mixer until combined; beat in the eggs one at a time. Mix the butter mixture into the fruit mixture. Mix in sifted flour, soda and cinnamon, then breadcrumbs and meal.
3.Fill boiler three-quarters full of hot water, cover with a tight lid; bring to the boil. Have ready 1-metre length of kitchen string and extra plain flour. Wearing thick rubber gloves, dip pudding cloth into boiling water. Boil for 1 minute, then remove; squeeze excess water from cloth. Quickly spread hot cloth on bench. Rub flour into centre of cloth to cover an area about 40cm in diameter, leaving flour a little thicker in centre of cloth where skin on pudding needs to be thickest.
4.Place the pudding mixture in the centre of the cloth. Gather the cloth evenly around the mixture, avoiding any deep pleats; pat into a round shape. Tie the cloth tightly with string as close to the mixture as possible. Pull ends of cloth tightly to ensure pudding is as round and as firm as possible; tie loops in string.
5.Lower pudding into the boiling water; tie ends of string to handles of boiler to suspend pudding. Cover with a tight lid; boil for 3 hours, replenishing with boiling water as necessary to maintain water level.
6.Untie pudding from handles; place wooden spoon through string loops. Do not put pudding on bench; suspend from spoon by placing over rungs of upturned stool or wedging handle in a drawer. Twist ends of cloth around string to avoid them touching pudding; hang pudding for 10 minutes.
7.Place pudding on board; cut string and carefully peel back cloth. Turn pudding onto a plate, then carefully peel away cloth completely. Stand for at least 20 minutes or until skin darkens and pudding becomes firm. Serve dusted with icing sugar, if you like.