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Apple jelly

apple jelly
5 Cup
1H 45M



1.Combine apple, including core and seeds, and the water in large saucepan; bring to the boil. Reduce heat; simmer, covered, about 1 hour or until pulpy.
2.Strain mixture through a fine cloth into large bowl. Stand apx 3 hours or overnight until liquid stops dripping. Do not squeeze cloth; discard pulp.
3.Measure apple liquid, allow 1 cup sugar for each cup of liquid. Return apple liquid and sugar to pan; stir over high heat, without boiling, until sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil; boil rapidly, uncovered, without stirring, about 20 minutes or until jelly jells when tested.
4.Pour hot jelly into hot sterilised jars; seal immediately. Label and date jars when cold.

Granny Smith apples are best for this recipe. This is a good base jelly, ­for slight variations try adding cinnamon sticks, rosemary sprigs or dried lavender to the jelly.


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