Quick & Easy

Fairy cakes

fairy cakes
24 Item



1.Line two 12-hole deep patty pans with paper cases.
2.Sift dry ingredients into small bowl of electric mixer, add butter, eggs, milk and essence. Beat on medium speed about 3 minutes or until mixture is smooth and slightly lighter in colour.
3.Drop 1½ tablespoons of mixture into prepared paper cases. Bake in moderate oven about 20 minutes or until lightly browned, cool in pans.
4.Using a fine-pointed knife, cut circles from tops of cakes about 1cm from edge and 1.5cm down into patty cakes.
5.Place about ½ teaspoon of jam or lemon butter into cavities of cakes, top with whipped cream. Place tops in position. Dust with sifted icing sugar.

To make butterfly cakes, a variation of fairy cakes, cut the circle of cut-out cake in half, replace on the cream like wings. Decorate with silver cachous.


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