1.Place foil in bottom of the rotisserie. Place heat beads on top, then light beads using firelighters. Butting up next to it, put in a tray of water – this catches the drips from the lamb and also keeps lamb moist. Allow beads to burn until they become white; in about 1 hour.
2.Push bar from rotisserie through middle of lamb lengthways, keeping close to the spine. Tighten the ends. Place lamb in rotisserie over coals.
3.Separate garlic into cloves; peel cloves. Pierce lamb all over with a sharp knife. Press garlic firmly into cuts and rub lamb with salt and rigani inside and out. Let lamb rotate up to 15 minutes or until it starts to “sweat”. Baste lamb with combined oil and juice. Cook lamb for about 2 1/2 hours, basting at least every half hour.
4.The lamb is cooked when meat begins to fall from the bone at the joints. Press meaty parts, such as the leg – if the skin is easily broken, it’s cooked. Carve lamb.