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Poached eggs on sourdough

Current evidence tells us that eggs are one of nature's super foods. Because they are protein packed and contain omega-3, plus 10 vitamins and minerals, we can enjoy up to 6 a week. So go on, eat your eggs!
poached eggs on sourdough



1.Preheat grill.
2.Half-fill large shallow frying pan with water; bring to a boil. Break eggs into cup, one at a time, then slide into pan. When all eggs are in pan, allow water to return to a boil. Cover pan, turn off heat; stand about 4 minutes or until a light film sets over egg yolks. Remove eggs, one at a time, using slotted spoon; place spoon on absorbent-paper-lined saucer briefly to blot up any poaching liquid.
3.Meanwhile, cook prosciutto, in single layer, under preheated grill.
4.Boil, steam or microwave spinach until just wilted; drain. Using hand, squeeze excess water from spinach.
5.Meanwhile, trim end from bread; cut into four slices. Toast bread both sides; divide among serving plates. Top each with 1 slice prosciutto, a quarter of the spinach and an egg, then top with second slice prosciutto.

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